Homeschooling Your Kids? Here’s What To Look For When You’re House Hunting

With a greater number of educational options opening up to families in the U.S., many households are choosing to homeschool their kids. In fact,...

5 Workable Tips To Improve Your Child’s Handwriting #Infographic

How To Improve Your Child’s Handwriting Infographic Uni-ball has put together these 5 top tips to help improve your child’s handwriting. Handwriting is key for your...

Leap Ahead In Learning With The ‘Leap-Pad Platinum

There are plenty of tablets on the market that are aimed at children. From devices that look like functioning tablets but are nothing more...

Learning to speak Canadian English (It’s not British or American – it’s Canadian)

When we moved to Canada, we had already spent a lot of time here and were aware of the cultural differences between the UK...

Does Reading Eggs Get A Thumbs Up Or Egg On Their Face? #Sponsored

Have you ever wondered, Does Reading Eggs Work? We first used Reading Eggs a few years ago, as part of our school district's distance learning...

The Best Printable Homeschool Planner Ever

Fall in love with homeschooling all over again with our comprehensive, all-in-one homeschool planner. Designed by a homeschooling mom, this planner supports both long-term and...

How To Nurture Education While You Are Travelling

There are many different reasons to travel, and whether you want to unwind and forget about your everyday troubles or you want to experience...

Craft Cocktails to Pair with Iconic Works of Art

A refreshing cocktail can be just the thing to hit the spot after an afternoon in the summer heat, and for the art enthusiasts among...

Galactic Academy of Science series – Kids book review

We are always on the lookout for books that are educational as well as entertaining. When you have a reluctant reader, books that stimulate...

Let’s investigate Chromatography! – Guest Post

Today I am very excited to introduce you to Kim Mitton, who is the creator behind  Mitton Musings the Canadian lifestyle blog with an...

Teaching Tips For Homeschooling Active Learners

If you're homeschooling your children, there are a few things to watch for that could indicate your child is getting a bit antsy. If...

Whether In The Audience Or On Stage, Theatre Helps Your Child Grow

For many families, seeing a live theatrical event can be a truly magical and memorable experience. But it's really so much more than just...

Do “How We’re F***ing Up Our Planet” and “The Ecology Book” Deserve A Place...

Not many people know this but my Master's Degree work was a cross-over between economics and environmental science, focussing on how to place an...

Kids Will Bug You for Our Free Insect Facts Booklet

Whether your kiddos are fans of creepy crawlies, or you're looking for a homeschool resource that's suitable for a short block of time, our...

How To Make Kids Of All Abilities Welcome – Ten Easy To Remember Tips...

A guest post by By:  Cara N. Koscinski MOT, OTR/L Playdates are beneficial for ALL children to practice critical social skills on which future relationships...