Planning a Change of Your Home’s Interior

Your home’s interior is one of those things you like to change up every now and again. Perhaps making it a room a more user-friendly space for children to enjoy and play in or maybe transforming a living area to be an adult only sanctuary when you are trying to relax in the evening. Although if you do this on you’ll want to put a lock on the inside of the door to keep the little monsters out! 

There are always fun ways to add your own style to your home, but the truth is many of us are great at thinking about it, putting together fabulous boards on Pinterest for it, and less good at actually doing it. So I thought I would give you four quick steps to help you get started with any of those home interior plans you have had bubbling away on the back burner for a while. 

Inspiration Is Everywhere

Sometimes you want to change something but just don’t have that spark of inspiration to get you started. This is where I can help point you in the right direction. First up, the internet is full of inspirational home interior and renovation ideas to feel inspired. Inspiration can be found on the TV, at friends houses and even through the seasons in regards to colors and styles

However, if you want a more of a reality check, then Instagram is the place to go, full of people just like you and me who are documenting their home renovations and interior overhauls in pictures. 

Get Board

It can be easy to get started when you have a clear idea of what you want to do, the colours you want and the things you want to add to your home. If you just know you want a change but have no idea what too, it is a bit more difficult.

This is when considering something like a vision board or making a quick list of ideas is a great place to start. You don’t need anything fancy to create a vision board, just use the inside of a kitchen cupboard door and start pinning ideas to your “board.” Once you begin to think about things, draw plans and make notes, the inspiration will begin to flow. Websites like are full of tips and advice.

Set Your Time

Now you have your inspiration, and you know exactly what you want to do, what next? You need to look carefully in your calendar and see if there is the ideal time to put your plans into action. Consider school holidays or time when both you and your partner are not working. Maybe getting family to take care of children for the weekend so you can get to work. Often renovations and interior changes can cause mess, especially for big jobs like painting, so make sure you have the time to finish what you start.

Work Within Your Dollars

Finally, it’s time to number crunch and see what sort of budget you have for your ideas and plans. Even relatively small home improvement projects can go south if you fail to budget for everything so sit down and write down every item you are going to need. By not accounting for small things like brush cleaner or a small pot of plaster your costs can suddenly end up going through the roof.

Research and get plenty of quotes for some of the bigger projects so that you can compare prices, as well as making notes of even the smallest of expenditure. At this stage, you may also want to consider a contingency fund in case things go wrong.

Now, if only I could take my own advice and move away from the computer screen and do something to freshen up the inside of our house in time for Christmas.