School Time Road Safety Tips For Motorists
September is upon us soon, and schools everywhere will be back in full swing before you know it. Along with busy ball fields and...
Back To School Shopping Tips
The days are getting shorter, the summer heat is slowly cooling off, and the first hints of a change in seasons is in the...
5 Workable Tips To Improve Your Child’s Handwriting #Infographic
How To Improve Your Child’s Handwriting Infographic
Uni-ball has put together these 5 top tips to help improve your child’s handwriting. Handwriting is key for your...
My First Encyclopedia by @DKCanada #Review
When we decided to homeschool our youngest son Gabriel, I tweeted a few of the major publishers to ask which books they might recommend...
5 Easy Vegetables for Kids to Grow
5 Easy Veggies for Kids to Grow
I love seeing kids out in the garden learning where our food comes from, plus gardening gives them...
Big Ideas Simply Explained @DKCanada Book #Review
The Big Ideas Simply Explained series is for everyone interested in a topic but at the same time intimidated by the complexity and breadth...
Learning to speak Canadian English (It’s not British or American – it’s Canadian)
When we moved to Canada, we had already spent a lot of time here and were aware of the cultural differences between the UK...
OurPact – Teaching Responsibility Through Technology
“I’m excited to introduce you today to a wonderfully helpful app, OurPact. All opinions are my own.“
When we were kids there was no potential...
Leap Ahead In Learning With The ‘Leap-Pad Platinum
There are plenty of tablets on the market that are aimed at children. From devices that look like functioning tablets but are nothing more...
DK FindOut – A Learning Resource From @DKCanada
Everyone who reads my blogs with any regularity knows how much I really like Dorling Kindersley books. The reference books are always so well...
Math’s more fun with #UMIGO – A Review
One of the biggest challenges to supporting a child's education is finding commercial free, good quality resources that will engage your child and not...
Galactic Academy of Science series – Kids book review
We are always on the lookout for books that are educational as well as entertaining. When you have a reluctant reader, books that stimulate...
Swimming Techniques to Teach Your Toddler
Teaching your little one how to swim isn't just a fun summer activity and memorable bonding experience for the two of you; it is...