Learning to speak Canadian English (It’s not British or American – it’s Canadian)

When we moved to Canada, we had already spent a lot of time here and were aware of the cultural differences between the UK...

Safety Tips for Teenagers

The sales are over, the school buses are back on the road, and teachers are settling into their classrooms. Our children are catching up...

More Education: The Key to Your Next Career Change?

Many of us, all feel we are underpaid or underappreciated in our jobs from time to time. If you would like to progress your...

How to Get the Family Back to School Ready

Are your kids headed back to school this fall? If you're like us, there is always a period of readjustment when the beginning of...
Two girls smiling and holding a card that says "WE"

Sight Words that Every 1st Grader Should Know

What are sight words? I hear you ask. They are the words that we encounter most often in text, but they are difficult to...
A boy stands in front of a blackboard pointing at math equations, suggesting he is learning to love math.

How to Help Your Child Love Math

Does your child have a fear of math?  Is homework time a challenge when math is involved?  Here are some great tips on how...

Back To School Shopping Tips

The days are getting shorter, the summer heat is slowly cooling off, and the first hints of a change in seasons is in the...

How Theatre Helps Your Child Grow

For many families, seeing a live theatrical event can be a truly magical and memorable experience. But it's really so much more than just...

How to Save Money on School Supplies

Buying back to school supplies can be a traumatic experience. You think you are going to swing by the store, pick up a few...

Five Steps to an Earth-Friendly Classroom

Educators have a huge responsibility to the planet. By teaching today's younger generations the importance of protecting the natural environment, we can ensure that...
Two children at pretend play stations

Which Toys Will Benefit Your Child’s Development?

According to British research, the average 10-year-old owns approximately 238 toys (though they play with only 12 on a daily basis). It's easy to...

22 Giggle Inducing Rules For Teachers Of The Past

Rules for teachers of the past were a touch more strict than the rules those our teachers of today must follow. Here are two...

Food Safety Tips for Packing School Lunches

Packing a school lunch is something a lot of parents do on a daily basis. They put effort into making the food healthy and...

Reading and Writing Skills Your Kindergartener Needs

Is your child about to head to kindergarten? Kindergarten will be a fun year filled with learning for your child. Your kindergartener will learn...

“Science Rocks” Will Rock Your Summer of STEM

Being homeschoolers, we get to play at science fair all of the time, so a "Summer of STEM" is really just an excuse to make...