Essential Safety Tips for Kids who Walk to School

Did you know that in 2010, 19 percent of the children killed in a traffic accident were pedestrians? In 2016, that number rose to...

Back to School for Homeschooled Teenagers

 Whether you're new to homeschooling a teen or going into your tenth year, these tips will help you prepare for an excellent year ahead. Heading...

My First Encyclopedia by DKCanada: Review

When we decided to homeschool our youngest son Gabriel, & I tweeted a few of the major publishers to ask which books they might...

Backpacks: Packing a Bag to Avoid Back Injuries

Back to school is both a hectic and a  fun time of the year, and it is also a time to 'buckle down' some...
An inside spread of Zoology by Dorling Kindersley showing animal x-rays

DK Canada’s “Zoology” May Be My Perfect Book

Zoology: Inside The Secret World Of Animals is the latest in a long line of exquisite books born from the partnership of Dorling Kindersley...