How to Create the Perfect Mom Cave In 5 Simple Steps

As much as we love our kids – we all need that safe place where we can go without any distraction to have a little time for you.  “Me Time” is so important – so we have put some tips together as to how you can create the perfect Mom Cave for some rest and relaxation.  

Choose your Space

Make sure that the space you choose is a little bit out of the way of where all the activity happens to allow yourself some privacy. For example, you could opt for adding a steel building into your garden which will give you an area separate to the house. This is something you can explore on Armstrong Steel who offer residential steel buildings which could be the perfect solution if you have enough space in your garden.  They make it incredibly easy to order – all you need to do is select the color, the size – and the shipping location. After you have done that, they will send you your custom price.

Make it Private

It’s not a Mom Cave if there are people always in and out of the space – so make sure that it’s communicated when you are having some relaxing time that you would rather not be disturbed.  It could even be that you put up some fun “Do Not Disturb” signage on the door when you are enjoying some time in there.

Decorate the Inside

You want to make the space personal to you – and decorating can be part of the fun.  If you paint the walls or throw up a ream of wallpaper – it can make all the difference.   If that’s more effort than you intended – then just make sure that you make the color scheme consistent with the furnishings in there.  Blues and greens are an excellent way to go if you are creating a more meditative or relaxing space, or if you are looking to explore your creative side – then neon greens or yellows are a good shout.  

Make things Comfortable

Make sure you choose your furnishings wisely.  To make your Mom Cave as comfortable as possible – invest in lots of pillows, plush throws, or even a nice furry rug to make it look and feel cozy.  You could also take it as an opportunity to jazz up some existing soft furnishings that are going unused elsewhere in your house. Changing the fabrics or adding a throw can make all the difference and transform a chair.  

Add your Personality to it

It’s your space, so you should be surrounded by your favorite things.  It could be a photograph you are particularly fond of, a bunch of your favorite flowers in a vase – or even a mini fridge that contains a tipple that you like.  Try and go for a minimalist approach – as a cluttered space can cause stress.  You can get some shelves, or coat hooks to make sure that everything looks neat and tidy.

If you follow these steps, you will soon have the perfect Mom cave to rest and relax and get a break from the stresses and strains of everyday life.