Fall is the perfect time for a skincare shakeup. Image via Pexels. 

Getting older is a hugely positive thing. It means you’ve survived whatever life has thrown at you so far. Not only that, the self-confidence and contentment that comes with age is a powerful thing indeed. However, just because there are benefits to age doesn’t mean that we necessarily welcome looking old. In a youth-obsessed culture, it’s easy to get distracted.

Own Your Age

We’ve become programmed to think the world only sees beauty in the physical attributes of the young. There are multi-trillion dollar industries based on these ideas. As a consequence beauty = young is a powerful concept to try and resist. Many companies base profit margins on us all being unhappy with the way we look, especially when it comes to aging. We are set up to think we must erase any sign of aging, and this is a destructive mindset. 

Here’s the thing. It shouldn’t be about trying to stop the clock. It should be about trying to look the best version of yourself. You at exactly the age you are. Fall and winter are beautiful seasons, but they can be extra harsh on skin, hair, and nails. Combine that with the seasonal dip in energy levels that darker evenings and shorter days often bring, and it’s little wonder we can start to feel very lacklustre in this season – at any age. Making a few small adjustments to your self-care routine can provide the pick-me-up you need and put the fabulous back into fall.

Switch To Products With Hyaluronic Acid

There is a wonder ingredient available that can help to combat the effect of the colder weather on your skin. Hyaluronic acid may have started out as an ingredient in facial fillers, but it’s turned into a huge buzzword in the skincare world, thanks to its unrivaled ability to attract and retain moisture in your skin.

Now, all half-decent anti-aging skincare includes this, whether in the form of a serum on its own or alongside other products such as antioxidants and sun protection in a day cream. A good Hyaluronic Acid moisturiser will lock in hydration and smooth the surface of your face, plumping it out and making you look well-rested. No painful and expensive injections needed! If you suffer from especially crepey skin then https://www.siobeauty.com/blogs/news/creepy-skin has some specialist pointers.

Don’t Skip The SPF

It would be a huge mistake to think that, just because the temperature has dropped, you can skip sun protection. In fact, even on a cloudy day, damaging UVA rays can penetrate–and they are the ones which cause skin ageing, rather than UVB which causes sunburn-, so never skip a day. Your best bet is to find a hard working multitasker, like a day cream or a foundation with in built sunscreen.

Go for at least SPF30 to keep yourself covered, which can be found in products such as Olay Total Effects, or a product like Clinique City Block with SPF50. Or seek out one product to cover all the bases, like IT Cosmetics Your Skin But Better, which acts as a foundation but also includes an anti-ageing serum and SPF50. A couple of pumps and you’re done in the morning.

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Three Sheets To The Wind

Sheet masks are the skincare sensation that’s been sweeping across the beauty sector. Originating in Korea, a land known for it’s high tech, quality beauty treatments, big companies in the West have since cottoned on. Each sachet contains a soft cotton mask infused with a range of hydrating skincare goodies. Used once a week they can really give you a glow back.

Maskorea are a great brand for beginners, and all their sheet masks come with a sachet of Cleanser and a follow up Cream to give great results. And if you struggle with lines, bags, dark circles and puffiness, then why not give an eye mask a try? Collagen Gold Undereye Mask is used by lots of top makeup artists to give their jetlagged A-list client fresh looking peepers on the red carpet.

Get Spritzing

Sometimes you start the day looking fresh, but by mid-morning, after dashing in and out of cold outdoors and heated buildings, you have tight, dehydrated skin again. Carrying a refreshing facial spritz with you to use can soothe parched skin and refresh your look.

Avoid any that contain alcohol, as this is hugely drying. You can even make your own facial spritz using rose water or essential oils that have been diluted with distilled water or coconut water – bergamot or eucalyptus is great for a pick-me-up, while lavender and geranium are calming. It will help to hydrate, tone and soften all skin types coping with the cold.

Oil It Up

Using organic cold-pressed oils on your skin is also a hugely hydrating treat and can really help with dryness and improving skin quality. Even if you have an oily skin type, don’t be afraid to try it – oily skin types are actually dehydrated ones that have produced too much sebum to compensate, so it they become adequately hydrated it can actually help to balance them.

The only type to avoid are mineral oils such as Baby Oil as they can clog pores. Go for something natural for best results. Rosehip is great as it’s a natural antioxidant, fighting ageing free radicals and pollution particles. It also contains essential fatty acids that improve the appearance of fine lines and plump up the skin.

Cold pressed oils are the best option. These oils are made using techniques which don’t use heat or chemicals. This preserve the most amount of nutrients. The Ordinary is a great place to look for cost-effective, high-quality options.

Turn Down That Heating

Tempting as it might be to crank up that central heating as soon as it gets a bit colder, spending all our time in centrally heated environments is bad for our skin. So save the thermostat, your skin and your heating bills for when it gets really cold. Try to keep warm by snuggling up in cosy sweaters and socks or blankets indoors. Alternatively try out layers of Heatgen tops and leggings which are slimline enough to wear under your usual clothes.