Yogibo started life in New Hampshire in 2009 and landed in Coquitlam BC in 2015 and while their bean bags are fabulous in everyday use – they bring a whole new dimension to autism & sensory processing therapy.

Yogibos are utilized in a variety of ways as a sensory product by parents and therapists. Their bean bags provide exceptional proprioceptive sensory input, promoting body awareness and helping to organise the brain for focus and attention. I can see this becoming a big bonus as Gabriel gets older. Holding him upside down by his ankles and gently swinging him from side to side may help him to calm & focus right now, but I can’t see me being able to do that for much longer.

One of our therapists tells me they were particularly effective when used for crashing or jumping on to provide deep pressure input. I can certainly see that appealing to Gabriel. Anything that involves jumping or crashing onto a giant cushion would be just fine by him thank you very much.

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However, they are not just a one trick pony. Yogibos also serve as an excellent compression tool, conforming to your body and providing calming, uniform pressure. They are unlike traditional bean bag chairs where you roll around or off of them when you try and get comfortable. Yogibos stay in one place and gently envelope you like a lovely squishy hug.

Because they are so comfortable and attractive, Yogibos can be integrated into a home’s living area. This is a major bonus. Everyone I know who has a child with autism and works on their sensory processing at home and as a consequently they end up with an ugly collection of therapy tools that either fall out of a cupboard every time you open it or are poking out from behind the sofa where you’ve tried to hide them from sight.

They also reduce work as kids really enjoy using them and we all know how important it is to get our kids involved with & enjoying therapy. Take a look at the Christmas family and see how it works for them.

I know that our family cannot wait to get our hands on one!
You may also be interested to know that Yogibo products are eligible for autism funding by the BC Ministry’s funding program.

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From the Yogibo website

“Our most popular Yogibo, the Max is a large, incredibly versatile bean bag chair. Use it as a chair or lay back and create a super-comfortable recliner that’s perfect for gaming, watching TV or just relaxing. It can also accommodate up to 4 people at once, giving you an awesome coach that’s also lightweight and portable. Having guests stay over? No problem. Just lay it flat, and it’s a far superior alternative to an air mattress. The near frictionless beads and removable, machine washable cover conform to your body, reducing pressure points and creating a “cocoon of coziness.” It’s perfect for pregnant women or people with back issues, and is frequently used as a therapeutic piece for people with sensory processing issues.”

The Yogibo Max is the ultimate 6′ bean bag that can be used as a chair, recliner, sofa or bed.

    • ·Comfortable – Perfectly conforms to your body, eliminating pressure points.
    • ·Versatile – Use as a Chair, Recliner, Sofa or Bed
  • ·Portable – Takes up less than four sq ft when stored on end.”

Read more on their website, follow them on Facebook or chat with them on Twitter.


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