How Playmobil Plus “How To Train Your Dragon” Equals Endless Imaginative Play

Regular readers will know we colossal Playmobil fans in our house. When we moved home this was our collection:

It has grown considerably since then, and now Playmobil has teamed up with “How To Train Your Dragon” I know we will be adding quite a bit more at Christmas time. Evey especially is a massive HTTYD fan and has dressed up as Astrid for Halloween for the last three years.

When we saw the Astrid and Stormfly Playmobil set, alongside the Hiccup and Toothless set we knew what we had to buy Evey for Christmas and these two were already hiding in the cupboard when Swerve PR & Playmobil asked if we would like to do a review.

We could have chosen any of their other fabulous partnership line, Ghostbusters;

but we wanted to stick with How To Train Your Dragon so they sent us the amazing Dragos Ship to check out. This is the box that turned up on our doorstep on a rainy Wednesday afternoon and the kids were all over it.

The ship may look complicated to assemble but it snaps together in four simple steps and is up and running, or should that be sailing, in under five minutes. There is a working crossbow on each side of the ship and a cage in which Drago (who comes with the ship of course) can hold his captive dragons. The dragon cage has detailed locks that look just like dragons heads and Drago has a friend to help him capture and hold his winged prisoners.

The crossbow bolts are soft on the end so they would only hurt if you had your face right up to them and they fly a good four or five feet, which is great if you are playing with the ship in the bath and you want to keep calling your mom into the bathroom to retrieve the bolt for you.

The watertight ship floats and has areas where you can ‘clip in’ your figures so they stay upright on stormy seas. The ship is also compatible with the standard Playmobil ship engine (not included) so you can have powered sailing if you wish.

Build quality is exactly what we have come to expect from Playmobil – excellent. Gabrial is not the most gentle of kids, because of his autism he has trouble judging depth, pressure, and distance, and Playmobil always stands up to hour after hour of use. The dragons themselves are perfect replicas of the ones in the movies and the Netflix series, as are the figures that accompany the sets.

As a stand-alone item, Dragos ship has plenty of play value and has kept the littles interested for hours on end. I cannot wait to see how they The only problem is we are likely to be asked for The Island of Birk any day now.

Dragos Ship is $59.99 and available from