What to Buy Before the Baby Arrives

Some women get the urge to begin ‘nesting,’ while they are pregnant, others do not feel like doing much of anything.  But even if you feel awful, it is still vital that you spend time getting ready for your bundle of joy’s arrival. After all, you will have even less time once the new baby finally gets here. So, while you are trying to fit in as much sleep as you can and relaxing as much as possible, you should still try and find the time to pop out to the shops to buy some necessities for your baby. That way, you and your new child will find it much easier to settle into your new life together once you get back from the hospital.

Not too sure what a newborn needs in the first few weeks? Here are some things you should get before the baby gets here.


Even if you plan on breastfeeding your child, you should still buy a few bottles just in case. Breastfeeding can be painful for some moms, and some babies will not latch onto their breasts no matter how hard they try. So, it’s a good idea to always have a plan B up your sleeve and have some bottles and formula milk at home just in case. If you do make a success of breastfeeding, these bottles can still come in handy if you ever need to express any milk.

I know that when our oldest son was born we were in the hospital for a couple of days and I had such trouble trying to breastfeed him we stopped off on the way home from the hospital to buy bottles. Not something I would recommend If you do make a success of breastfeeding, these bottles can still come in handy if you ever need to express any milk and you can donate your unopened formula to the local food bank.

Car Seat

The chances are that you will be taking your newborn home from the hospital in the car. That means you will need to buy a suitable car seat and many hospitals today will not let you leave with your baby before checking the new arrival is safely secured in their seat. There are dozens of seats, travel systems, and combos to choose from so you should be able to easily find one that is the right size for newborns that suits your budget.

If you need a car seat stroller combo, it’s a good idea to go to your local baby store to ask for recommendations on which one is best for you. You should buy a combo that has plenty of storage space when it is being used as a stroller but will also fold down small enough to fit in your car. I know some parents who purchased a fancy combo stroller and then discovered they have to virtually dismantle it entirely before it fits in the trunk.

Diaper Cream

I’ve already mentioned that you won’t have much time to pop to the store once the baby is here. So, you need to plan for any possible situation, such as a severe diaper rash. Just in case your baby is plagued with this problem, you should stock up on plenty of diaper cream. It’s a good idea to get a couple of different brands as each baby reacts differently to the various creams. Personally, I have always found simple Vaseline to be great for slight pinkness, but don’t use a lot of it because Vaseline can clog-up the ‘fabric’ of your diaper and stop it being as absorbent.

Nipple Cream

It’s not just your baby that will require all manner of creams and lotions; you will also need to stock up on some nipple cream for yourself too. Babies can be quite rough when they are breastfeeding, and applying nipple cream can help to reduce any soreness that they might cause from latching on. 

Once you have all of the above items at home, you can sit back and start to relax. It won’t be long until the baby gets here, but at least you are well prepared for them now!