When You Think You’ve Found The Right Home

When you’re looking for the right home, you have to weigh many different options and considerations. Ultimately, you should pick a home based on what your instincts tell you. This is easier said than done, as 52% of home buyers say that finding the right property is the most difficult part of the home buying process, according to the National Association of Realtors. If you’re struggling with deciding which great home to move your family into, ask yourself these questions to make the decision a little easier.

Are you envisioning what you’ll do in the interior?

You’ve already seen the house, and you’re starting to have a warm and fuzzy feeling about it. When you start envisioning the furniture arrangement in the living room and the wall color of the bedroom, it’s a good indicator that this house is for you. Your emotionally-driven mind is often steps ahead of your logical brain. If you can vividly see your bed and nightstand against a certain wall in the bedroom or know the exact backsplash you want in the kitchen, this home is already yours.

Does the house fit your basic needs?

There is no house on the market that will check off every single item on your list of desired features. If a house fills all of your basic requirements and is the right price for the things it does have, then it might be worth to sign on it. The basic requirements include the minimal number of bedrooms and bathrooms you need, a kitchen that will function for your family, and an appropriate amount of storage space. Things like a garage or a guest suite can be build after you’ve bought the house and you can work around them in the meantime. 

Does it remind you of other homes you’ve loved?

The elements that make you love a home can be relatively small, and sometimes buried deep in our memories. It could be that the fireplace reminds you of your grandmother’s house or the kitchen sink under the window is positioned exactly like it was in your first apartment. A house can be especially right when you notice that it brings in small aspects that you liked in other homes you’ve seen.

The best indicator that you’ve found the right home is that you have no desire to look at more homes. You may chalk this feeling up to being tired of the home-buying process, but it often means that you’ve already found the right home and your subconscious knows it. Take the plunge, follow your gut, and you’ll choose the right home for you.