3 Important Design Tips to Make A Home More Accessible

With about 15% of the population worldwide currently living with a disability, it’s important that public buildings are designed with accessibility in mind. But one thing that isn’t talked about enough is making homes accessible. Whether you have a child, another family member, or even a friend with a disability, it’s crucial that your home is designed with accessibility in mind. So we’re going to talk about a few simple ways to make your home more accessible.

Keep Height in Mind

For those in wheelchairs, something as simple as reaching the kitchen counter can be difficult. This is why it’s important to be mindful of height in your home — lowered countertops are a great place to start, both in the kitchen and in the bathroom. Furthermore, items that get used frequently should be kept in cupboards that are on the ground level or simply on top of the counter so they can be easily reached. You should also think about other things in your home that may be high up, like light switches and key hooks. Being mindful of how high up something is can help those with disabilities reach what they need to comfortably.

Consider Ease of Navigation

With about 6.8 million community-resident Americans using assistive devices that aid them with mobility, it’s crucial to ensure your home can be easily navigated while using wheelchairs, walkers, and other devices. If possible, doorways and hallways should be wide enough to accommodate wide devices. This can allow people to make their way throughout the house without difficulty. And any houses that have steps, even just one or two, should have ramps and railings installed. In doing this, you can ensure anyone using a wheelchair or other assistive device can get up the steps on their own.

Install Important Features

It can be easy to make a home more accessible without doing a ton of remodeling — all you need to do is install some important home features. One of the most important features is grab bars. They should be installed in places like the tub, next to the toilet, and in bedrooms to help those with disabilities move about as needed. Additionally, you should consider investing in a smart home system if you haven’t already. This can allow people to turn lights on and off, control media, and even call for help if needed without having to move around. These simple features can make a big difference in a home.

Designing an accessible home doesn’t have to be complex. Keep these simple tips in mind to ensure anyone and everyone can easily navigate your home.