I love to spend time in the kitchen cooking up a storm with the littles, and we regularly surf the net together for new and exciting things to make. One day we went in search of some cake pops.


As spring is just around the corner, these gorgeous “Spring Chicken Cake Pops” by Bakerella seemed perfect. We had made some pipe cleaner chicks the day before, to go with our bunnies and carrots, so it seemed like a theme was emerging.

Easter Cake Pops

Knowing how the kiddos like to dive straight in and are not the type of little ones who are able to sit around patiently while I work through the instructions, I prepared myself well ahead of time.

I read through all of the instructions the night before, laid out everything we needed and worked out which little one would have which job.

What could go wrong?


Preparation Is Not Always The Key

We baked the cakes, and even a baking clutz like me managed to get through that step relatively unscathed. The three of us crumbled the cake, added the frosting and made the ball shapes.

As you can see, consistency of size and shape didn’t really factor into things.

There were few casualties up until this point, and as we were only baking for ourselves, I was able to get past the occasional sneaky finger licking in which the littles indulged.

So far so good.

It was at this stage that things started to get away from me a little bit.

I had placed the cake pops into the freezer to set, and we went to have a snack and rehydrate. About an hour later, after 59 minutes of “Are they ready yet?” we went back to the kitchen, removed the pops to be from the freezer, and I had just microwaved the candy melts when the doorbell rang.

The kids decided to start dipping the pops in the chocolate while I went to answer the door.

All My Own Fault

I know, I can hear you all crying out “But Patti, you have five kids. Leaving two of the unattended in a kitchen of cake, frosting, and chocolate to answer the door? WHAT WERE YOU THINKING?”

Yes, I should know better, and I only have myself to blame for what happened next.

Apparently, in my absence, the decision was also taken that we would ignore the holes that mum had carefully put into the egg box and into which the sticks would fit.

Instead, thing one and thing two repeatedly jabbed the cake pop sticks into any point on the box until it finally gave up and collapsed.

I know how it feels.

The Fall Out

I returned to find this.

It was hard to imagine how we could salvage anything from this mess, and even I had to admit that there was a fairly substantial gap between the inspiration and our results.

Not to be denied a delicious cake pop treat in the evening, we didn’t abandon them altogether, we decided to work with what we had and create something else. Now, even the most creative of minds can be stumped when faced with repurposing something like this:

But we were not deterred.

Lemonade From Lemons Or Rather, Monsters From Cake Pops

No, we looked at these and saw Monster Pops.

We set about decorating straight away. Apparently, there really isn’t anything that can’t be made better with green sprinkles.

Psychedelic is also a good look, because of course if one piece of decoration is good, then 21 must be better – right?

Unfortunately, some were the things of which nightmares are made:

and some just seemed mildly cross to be here.

So just to be clear and to avoid any confusion these are the chicks from Bakerella:

Easter Cake Pops

and there are ours:

They all tasted absolutely delicious, and we still had great fun making them – and what could be better than that?

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