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The winters in Canada can be notoriously cold, and this means residents are looking for ways to keep warm and heat their homes to avoid the child. And with temperatures in some areas dropping out a chilly -52.2°C in Lake Weston in Jan 2022, temperatures this year look set to be just as cold if not colder.

But if you’re worrying about the costs associated with keeping warm this winter and want to reduce your energy consumption, these tips can be just what you’re looking for.

Buy A Furnace

A heating pump and a modulating furnace are great ways to keep your energy bills down this winter. If you want to buy a furnace, you can expect to experience a more efficient method of heating your home, thus saving you on electricity bills while not compromising on heat. Modular furnaces work to top your heat up gradually, and over the course of a year, you can save up to 38% on your heating bills.

Lower Your Thermostat

Lowering your thermostat by a few degrees can save you around 2 to 3 percent on your yearly heating bills. If you have a smart or programmable heating system, you can program it to adjust the temperature to give you a warm home 24/7 without constantly turning it up and down. For example, when you’re home, you can set it to heat your home at 20 degrees, while when you’re in bed or out, you can lower the temperature by a couple of degrees. If it’s too chilly, you can offset the cost by adding an extra sweater or blanket, or if you have lowered it and it’s not too cold for you, you could go lower, drop it by 1 degree and see how you feel. Then, keep lowering until you are happy.

Use Ceiling Fans On Reverse

Ceiling fans in warmer weather circulate cooler air around the room; however, when it’s cold, put your ceiling fans on a reverse setting, as this will circulate the warm air at the top of the room and stop it from settling at the ceiling. This can be a great way to keep your room if you have high ceilings.

Keep Vents Dust Free

Make sure you have cleaned your air vents out and that they are dust-free. Also, make sure that they aren’t blocked by any heavy pieces of furniture, rugs, carpets, etc. If they are kept clear and unobstructed, they’ll use less energy to keep your home warm, the heat won’t be trapped, and you can keep your bills lower.

Seal Gaps

If you’re heating your home, the last thing you want is for the energy you are using and paying for to be wasted. Make sure to seal any gaps around doors, door frames, windows and anywhere else air can escape, taking your heat with you. You can use temporary measures such as putting draft excluders in front of doors to block gaps, sealing around windows internally to stop heat escaping through poorly insulated windows, and adding floor-length curtains to windows and even external doors to trap heat inside.

You can do many small things to help keep your home warm and bills down without avoiding turning your heating on. Being clever about warming your house can help you brave winter’s colder temperatures.