A workplace injury can transform your life. You can go from perfect health to permanent disability within a matter of minutes. If you’ve worked at this job for five of the last ten years, you’ll be eligible for Title II Social Security and need to figure out how to return to your life. Many times, people’s existing homes won’t be a good fit for someone with disabilities, so they’ll need to renovate it to fit their needs. Here are five things to consider to make your home more accessible after a workplace injury.

Consider Funding Sources

Getting your home renovated in any way can be very expensive. Thankfully, there are options to help you get funding. Talk to your insurance company. In 2019, insurance net premiums totaled 1.32 trillion dollars, so there is money to be spent. See what kind of help they can offer you. Also, look into Social Security and grants from local government and non-profit organizations. It might take extra time and effort to find these resources, but it can save you a lot of money.

Eliminate Steps At the Entry

If you have stairs leading up to your front door, you’ll likely need to get rid of them, especially if you are now using a wheelchair. There are many different options for ramps that make your home more accessible. Even if you aren’t in a wheelchair, stairs might still be difficult to manage. Since they are a risk to your health, you’re better off trying to eliminate them anyway.

Have a Bathroom and Bedroom On the First Floor

If your home has several floors, you might not be able to access the amenities on the upper floors. You’ll want to be sure that you have bedroom and bathroom access on the first floor. Not only will this give you independence in your own home, but it’ll also be good for your health. You won’t need to worry about the sanitation issues of using a commode or risk trying to get up the stairs to use the bathroom or go to bed.

Keep Things Well-Lit

The last thing you need after a workplace injury is to fall down because your house is too dark. Make sure that every room is well-lit whenever it is in use. Take advantage of natural sunlight during the day and keep bright lamps available for the nighttime. The average family spends over $2,000 annually on energy bills, so you’ll probably want to look into ways you can save money while staying well-lit. Consider solar power or energy-efficient bulbs to help you cut your costs.

Consider Aesthetics

Just because you need to make your house accessible does not mean it has to look like a hospital. Don’t forget to keep your tastes in mind when renovating. Not only will keeping some of your previous design help you to save money, it will also boost your mood. Being surrounded by things that you enjoy is a great way to improve your self-esteem and support your mental health. So while you’re considering the practical things, also take time to consider what makes you feel good. Keep furnishings that you love from your previous life and look into others that might make you happy in your current situation.

A workplace injury can transform your life. In order to keep your health improving after it is over, you’ll need to make your home more accessible in order to get the support and independence necessary to live your life. With some careful planning and prioritizing, you can create a home that is safe, comfortable, and enjoyable to live in.