DIY T-Shirt Scrap Headband
Three pieces of orange t-shirt cut to approximate 2” wide & 24” long
Three pieces of white t-shirt cut to approximately 2” wide & 24” long
Additional t-shirt scraps in smaller pieces for creating flowers
Needle & thread (and sewing machine if available)
Start by cutting your strips of T-shirt and having them all the same size and shape.
Begin tying the six full-size strips of t-shirt together or sewing across the ends of all six pieces. Separate the strips, alternating colors.
Using a simple braid, weave all of the pieces together.
Braid until you’ve reached the end of the strands and sew the ends of your t-shirt strips together. Either run the strands through the sewing machine to secure or sew with your needle and thread. Unknot the unsewn end, and sew the two ends of your braid together (inside out, so the seam will be on the inside of the headband when worn.
Next, you’ll begin making the decorative flowers. While there are several options for making natural flowers, this headband features a quick and easy option. Start with a strip of the t-shirt in one of the two colors and fold it in half. Prepare your needle and thread with enough thread length to gather all of the t-shirts onto it.
Begin twisting & rolling a strip of fabric for the first flower. Start a coil by and tacking it together with your needle and thread. Continue to roll and twist into the coil, tacking it together until you’ve created a flower the size you desire.
Repeat with additional sizes & colors of flowers.
Finally, attach the flowers to the braided band with your needle and thread, making sure to secure well.
wow this is awesome,
now I just need a little girl to put the headband on! lol
thank you
I love reusing/re-purposing stuff around the house! Might have to try this one…
Awesome, I will be pinning this and trying this out! Thanks so much for posting this. I think these are so adorable!
Wow, what a cool idea! I am going to try to make this!!
You’ll have to send me a photo when you’re done – I like to see what everyone makes 🙂