Choose Your Own Ninjago Mission With DK Canada & LEGO

Three LEGO Ninjago figures stand on the cover of a LEGO Ninjago book

Having a LEGO Ninjago fan in the house, when Dorling Kindersley asked if I would like to review a copy of “Choose Your Ninja Mission,” I jumped at the chance. What I didn’t anticipate was that we would have to buy a second copy because Gabriel wanted to play with the Jay mini-figure, but dad, the big LEGO collector in our home, wanted to keep the toy intact, in the book.

But, decisions over whether or not we were allowed to play with Jay aside…..

“Choose Your Ninja Mission” begins with you, the Ninjago hero of the book, choosing between one of two starting points. Your choice is between Nya’s virtual reality test chamber, “Simjago,” or drinking tea with Master Wu. Once you make your choice, the adventure begins!

Read the mission at the top of the page then choose between one of the two options at the bottom. Each option sends you to a different page to continue your mission with another choice. Navigate the Ninjago universe as you go and discover facts, stats, and plenty of pictures of your favorite LEGO NINJAGO sets and mini-figures.

Will you Help Zane find the powerful Oni mask or leave him to search while you send a coded message to Samurai X?

Perhaps you’ll search the realm for Master Wu’s missing teapot or fly Stormbringer to another realm, or maybe you’ll rescue Jay, escape the jungle and see what’s beyond. Whatever you choose, you’ll have a blast as the star of your very own Ninjago mission.

What did we think of the LEGO Ninjago “Choose Your Ninja Mission”?

Well, there are 120 pages to navigate so there are multiple ways for your mission to unfold. Consequently, you can read Choose Your Own Ninjago Mission over and over again and never read the same story twice.

If you are not a massive fan of reading long books to your child, then you can agree on a set number of choices, read those pages, and pick the story up again the next day. Not only that, but each page is also relatively short, so it is perfect for the reluctant readers in your home.

I found that it was an excellent book for Gabriel, mostly because I never know for how long he will be able to sit still and pay attention to a story. Some days he’ll curl up beside you and demand you read with him until your voice is hoarse. And even then he’ll be upset you can’t read anymore. On other days I’d be lucky to get him to sit still long enough to get through a hundred words or less.

Reading Choose Your Own Ninjago Mission meant that we could dip in and read just a little if it was a one page kind of day. And then, on a read until mom’s hoarse day, we could read the book for as long as he liked. Or until my voice gave out.

Finally, Choose Your Own Ninjago Mission also served as a source of stimulation for Gabes Lego play. He had a blast setting up a few scenes based on images in the book and then played out some of the stories.

Do yourself, and your Lego Ninjago fans a favor and grab a copy of Choose Your Ninjago Mission today. You won’t be disappointed.