3 Ways to Keep Your Child Physically Active During Homeschooling

It's no surprise that homeschooling is becoming more and more popular. After all, it provides you with the ability to cater to your child's...

How To Help Your Child Transition From Kindergarten to First Grade

Is your child, like Evey, headed into first grade after a fun year of kindergarten? You may feel as though there are so many...

Can Investing In Bitcoin Help You Save for College?

Parenting in the digital age means being open to innovative ideas. Bitcoin continues to be the talk of the finance sector for a number...

Craft Cocktails to Pair with Iconic Works of Art

A refreshing cocktail can be just the thing to hit the spot after an afternoon in the summer heat, and for the art enthusiasts among...

How To Make Homeschooling More Successful

Homeschooling has always been around, but since the pandemic, it has risen hugely in popularity. Parents - and their children - have realised that...

Will Your Kids Love Coding With These @DKCanada Titles?

Learning to code provides kids with more than just the skills required for programming jobs. Coding is not only a practical skill, but it has...

Do “How We’re F***ing Up Our Planet” and “The Ecology Book” Deserve A Place...

Not many people know this but my Master's Degree work was a cross-over between economics and environmental science, focussing on how to place an...

How Your Child Should Pack A Backpack To Avoid Injuring Their Back

Back to school is both a hectic and a  fun time of the year, and it is also a time to 'buckle down' some...

Five Steps to an Earth-Friendly Classroom

Educators have a huge responsibility to the planet. By teaching today's younger generations the importance of protecting the natural environment, we can ensure that...

Is Safari Tales – A Literacy App You’ll Love?

What is "Safari Tales?" Paraphrased from the Safari Tales press release SAFARI TALES™ is an enchanting animal adventure game which encourages exploration in reading and vocabulary skills...

The Best Printable Homeschool Planner Ever

Fall in love with homeschooling all over again with our comprehensive, all-in-one homeschool planner. Designed by a homeschooling mom, this planner supports both long-term and...

School Yourself on Education Facts: Private Vs Public Schools

Parents everywhere are presented with a choice once their children get to begin their schooling. For many parents, the location and quality of the...

Life Long Learning Opportunities We Can All Benefit From

As our world and our society evolve, we need to continue along a path of lifelong learning. Not only does this allow us to...

Swimming Techniques to Teach Your Toddler

Teaching your little one how to swim isn't just a fun summer activity and memorable bonding experience for the two of you; it is...

Famous #Mothers In Art And Literature

What moms do you admire? With Mother’s Day around the corner, there’s no better time to think about the impact that strong women have had...