“Carrots in The Dirt” Cakes


  •  24 cupcakes (you can use the recipe from these butterfly cakes)
  • White frosting
  • 12 Oreo cookies crushed
  • 36 orange Starburst
  • Bag of Rips candy or similar (green for the carrot top)


  1.  Put the Oreo cookies into a Ziploc bag, crush them with a rolling pin and pour the cookie crumbs out onto a plate.
  2.  Next, frost your cupcakes and roll the freshly frosted cupcakes in the cookie crumbs. Repeat until all 24 cupcakes are frosted and have cookie crumbs on top.
  3. Next step is to make the candy carrots. Cut your Starburst in half. Flatten the top of one end and make the other end pointed.
  4. On the flattened end add some green Rips, wrap the flat end around the Rips and then roll the whole thing to form a carrot shape.

  5. Place the carrots on top of cupcake dirt.
  6. You could make these full size and not cut the Starburst in half… but then you would need 75 Starbursts, and you would have to buy 3-4 bags to get that many.


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