Photo by Rune Enstad on Unsplash

Your feet must last a lifetime, so it’s important to look after them. Modern life and shoes can cause all sorts of issues that can affect how we walk and cause pain. 

Follow these tips to keep your feet as healthy as possible. 

Get your feet measured regularly 

Correct fitting footwear is essential to overall foot health. The size and shape of your feet will change over your lifetime, not just when you’re growing as a child. Weight fluctuations, medical conditions, and even pregnancy can all affect how shoes will fit you. 

It is imperative to have a child’s feet regularly measured as they develop. Continually wearing ill-fitting shoes when growing can cause structural changes to the developing foot and lead to issues growing and walking normally. They can also cause discomfort due to blisters and sores. 

If possible, find a shoe retailer trained in fitting children’s shoes. It is estimated that the majority of adults have problems with their feet which is the direct result of not wearing the correct fitting footwear as children. 

If you can’t find a specialist shop where you are, there are training videos you can watch online and specialist foot measuring systems you can buy relatively cheaply online. 

It’s also important to wear footwear that is appropriate to the activity you’re doing. Try not to spend too much time in high heels or shoes with unsupportive soles. 

Problems you can experience with your feet

Many common conditions can affect your feet throughout life. Some develop in the feet themselves, and others result from other medical conditions which can affect this area of the body. 

  • Blisters 
  • Corns
  • Cracked, peeling skin
  • Ingrown toenails
  • Athletes foot
  • Fungal infection of the nail
  • Bunions
  • Hammertoe
  • Plantar fasciitis 

Ways to care for your feet every day

Keep your feet looking and feeling great by having a simple routine. 

  • Keep your toenails short and cut them in a way that avoids ingrown toenails.
  • Use a scrub or pumice to remove hard and dead skin 
  • Moisturise feet to keep skin soft and supple
  • Clean your feet regularly and keep them as dry as possible 
  • Treat blisters, cuts, and sores 
  • Visit the doctor or podiatrist if you notice any changes to your feet, especially loss of sensitivity or pins and needles. 

If you have a medical condition such as diabetes, you must check your feet more regularly and thoroughly. Your doctor can show you have to do this in detail. 

Supportive insoles

Well-made shoes should have an excellent supportive insole to support your arch and the structure of your foot. However, not all do. You can buy specialist inserts that you can put into shoes in order to give you the support that you need. 

Choosing socks and tights

What you wear on your feet can cause many issues if you don’t choose well. Your feet lose heat and sweat in quite significant amounts. Look for socks made with natural materials that can absorb sweat and keep it away from the skin on your feet and toes. 

Tights are another matter. Due to their look and feel, they can’t be made from a high proportion of natural materials. If you do need to wear tights, don’t wear tights that are too restrictive and can affect your circulation. Whenever possible, take your feet out of your shoes and let them air out for a while. 

When to visit a foot specialist

Unless you have a medical condition that is being monitored by a health professional, you’re going to need to keep a check on your feet and visit a specialist if you’re experiencing any symptoms. 

Things to look out for include tingling or loss of sensation in your feet, unexplained pain in the joints or bones, blisters that do not heal, or potential fungal infections in the nail. 

Also, if you think that you may be starting to develop bunions or hammer toes, the sooner you get this checked out, the higher the chance that something can be done to stop them from developing further. 

Final thoughts

It’s essential to look after your feet. Problems with your feet can cause issues walking and moving, affecting your quality of life and preventing you from doing the things you want to. 

By having a regular routine, you should be able to keep your feet looking and feeling great too.