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No matter how fashionable and stylish you consider yourself to be, we can always try something new, and we can always have fun with our aesthetic if we focus on it. That means that even if you haven’t really kept up with fashion in years, or you just want to dress in a way that suits you, it’s never too late to try again and to opt for something more relevant to today.

It can be tough to know what’s best for us. Just as it can be tough to know if you have any writing or painting skill without the competent eye of another to look at your work and bounce ideas from, it can be tough to know if certain fashionable implements complement you or not.

Thankfully, you don’t have to overthink things. There are a few measures you can take in order to improve your style near-instantly, measures that allow you to become more comfortable in who you are while also sprucing up your look without much effort or cost.

These are often the measures that help us keep up with our style from day to day in a sustainable way, rather than approaching the effort as a near full-time job. But what are these measures? In this post, we’ll discuss four worth keeping in mind, and why they may be the most beneficial to you.

Consider Your Face Shape

Finding the best layered bobs by face shape when asking for a new haircut can help you see just how certain options will work for you. The same goes for hats you wear, and glasses that match your face type.

Those with round faces will only enhance that effect if wearing round glasses for instance, whereas a larger, more rectangular set of frames can offset this and help you look nicer. Matching in this way can make a big difference. It might determine if you wear a hoop or a stud in your nose, or what kind of adornments you wear near your face, like a scarf or cravat with a particular design. It’s not hard to see how fundamentals like this can help you make decision easier, and the moment you do, the more you instantly improve your style.

Have Your Clothes Fitted

No matter who you are, you’ll look better with fitted clothes when you have the chance to wear them. For some, this might mean having a formal outfit tailored for a specific event, such as a friend’s wedding. It might just mean ensuring your jackets are properly tailored to your presence so that they hug your shoulders properly. For others, losing or gaining weight might mean that garments need a little adjustment.

This doesn’t have to be something you invest in with every piece of course, but those items that mean something to you can only benefit from this effort. A good tailor or seamstress service can make a major difference as far as that goes.

Consider The Condition Of Your Essentials

We’ve all worn certain shoes we love for longer than we should have, but it might be that repairs and replacements can help us keep up with the styles while also improving their condition. Having your work shoes professionally shined help you look much better, completing your outfit in the best way.

If your sneakers/trainers are stained, then washing them properly, removing the stains using washing powder and soaking them, or replacing the laces could be a good idea, too. Replacing a button on a larger cardigan, or simply learning how to sew up holes will help you save money in the long run, while also allowing you to look at your personal and professional best when that’s needed.

Try Something New

When you unapologetically wear a new item without asking permission for doing so, you instantly become more interesting and dynamic, finding yourself comfortably moving past limits you may have placed on yourself before. 

Why not wear that new hat? Why not try new accessories like a chain worn over the top of your t-shirt at an event, or to wear that watch you had previously considered only for special occasions? People can tell when you’re someone who doesn’t mind wearing something new in order to express yourself. The trick here? You’ll feel so much better and freer in yourself that you tend to become more magnetic without even realizing it. This summer might be a great place to start that.

With this advice, you’ll be sure to improve your style almost instantly. When you consider your body and face shape, have clothes fitted, consider the condition of your fundamentals, and try something new, you’ll look great no matter what you try.