Life Long Learning Opportunities We Can All Benefit From

As our world and our society evolve, we need to continue along a path of lifelong learning. Not only does this allow us to keep up with the things going on around us, but it also keeps our brains healthy and provides a great deal of personal satisfaction. Here are a few of the areas of ‘real-life’ further education that will keep you up to date and give your brain the gentle workout it deserves.

Social Media Training

If you’re raising children today, then you will already e aware that they may already know more about tech and social media than you do. If you’re not abreast of today’s tech advances, it will not only impact your life and opportunities, but it will also affect children. Even if you’re not a parent, knowing the lingo, and how it all works, is really important. Do you know about the terms and conditions of the sites you are using? Did you know that snaps on Snapchat don’t ‘disappear’ instantly as you may think? Can you read one of your child’s texts without having to ask what all of the abbreviations mean?

By ensuring you are well educated about online communications you will be giving yourself the best grounding possible to also help keep your children safe.

Safety Training

We only have to see one episode of the news lately to know just how important it is to be vigilant when we are out and about. While we shouldn’t be looking for dangers, there are some things that we can be doing, to make sure that we are as safe as can be. The same goes for teaching our children; would they know what to do if they lost you in an emergency situation? You could even think about taking it further and doing an online master of public safety degree so that you with your skills and knowledge. You never know when you might need it.

First Aid

When you are a parent having some first aid training is exceptionally worthwhile. Not only does it provide you with the skills and knowledge to deal with minor accidents yourself but it also empowers you with experience. Knowing the difference between a small issue that can be handled at home and an incident the requires a trip to the ER also helps to reduce your stress levels when your child hurts themselves.  

If you decide on some formal first aid training that provides certification, it can also help you have an edge when applying for work. If it comes down to you or someone without additional skills, most employers will opt for the person who can bring something extra to the job.


It would seem that the more ways we have to make our lives easier, the more stressful it becomes. There are so many demands on our time, that being able to take time out and to self-soothe, can be a beautiful thing. Which is where a knowledge of mindfulness and relaxation can come in.

Knowing how to relax properly, both physically and mentally, can affect our overall health and stress levels, as well as how much eat and the ability to kick habits. So this could be a good thing to look into, especially if you find that you are quite stressed regularly and overeat.

Mindfulness techniques also help you focus on what is important in your life at the moment and decrease the amount of time you spend fretting about what has happened in the past or may happen in the future.

What real-life further education do you think that you need or would be useful to know? It would be great to hear what you think and what means the most to you.