
I don’t know about you but I can’t believe the holiday shopping season is upon us: I’m seeing holiday deals fill up my inbox and I am still not ready to accept it’s that time of year again yet!

A lot of you might agree that holiday gift giving has lost some of what made it special in the past. The expectation of material goods has gotten out of hand for many people, just google Walmart + Black Friday + injury to see some of the worst that we humans have to offer.

But despite negative holiday greed horror stories, there is something very special about getting together and giving loved ones gifts that have meaning. So before you get anything to just check someone off your to-do list, take a moment to model thoughtful giving for your children, family and community. Give them a gift that will last.

Something made by you

There are endless possibilities for home made and personalised gifts and they are not all cheesey. Not only do you give a gift that is unique and has real meaning but you can create them as a family and make priceless memories in the process. Try some of these:

  1. Playlist – Make a playlist or burn a CD with music that has meaning for you and the recipient.
  2. Inscribe a book – Give a book you have enjoyed to someone you think may enjoy it to. Include a personal note inside the cover and look forward to discussing the book together.
  3. Personal art – Use a free editing program like Picmonkey to create a picture using a favourite quote, photo, or drawing. Print it out and frame for a unique and personal gift.




The experiences we share create the memories that bond us. Consider taking loved ones on a local adventure, a music show, committing to an exercise routine or honing cooking skills together. You could even just set up time for a special day with just the two of you. This can be inexpensive for your pocketbook, and rich in meaning.


Learning is also a gift that lasts a lifetime. For youngsters in your life, how about a set of blocks that get their creative juices flowing, science experiments they can do with friends, or Peter and the Wolf, the Nutcracker and other classical pieces you loved as a child?

Whatever their passion as a young learner, stoke those coals. Your gift to them will not only last a lifetime, but positively influence their community!

Make sure you don’t overpay – if you’re new to Educents.com you can get $10 off your first order with my referral. Just use this link 🙂