Vacation is supposed to be fun, but that isn’t always a guarantee. In a world where around 46% of two-parent households see both parents working full-time jobs, it can be hard to carve out time for a holiday. With so many external factors playing a role in where you go and what you do, it’s vital that you find a recreational solution that suits the whole family. Since traveling with infants and small children is exceptionally difficult, we’ve gathered a few tips that will make the experience better for everyone involved.

Consider Your Destination

You may be one of the 25 million fanatical squash players from around the world, but that doesn’t mean you should construct your vacation around the popular sport. Family vacations are about family, so the final destination should have activities that even your littlest one can enjoy. This means that beaches, theme parks, and casual trips are the most ideal. Figure out what areas, regions, or cities are most suited to kids, and work your way from there.

Travel By Car

If you can, focus on road trips. Though you’ll have to pay far more attention to seatbelt safety (properly used car seats can reduce up to 70% of infant deaths in car wrecks, and up to 54% for toddlers under four), avoiding the stresses of a flight is extremely beneficial. When you travel by car, your main focus will simply be attention; no more security screenings, official tickets, or luggage restrictions. And you won’t need to remove any stainless steel gadgets from your bags, either. You’ll be able to go where you want, with what you want, which can make a family trip much more manageable.

Pack Smart

Travel can be miserable with little kids if you’re not properly prepared. Whether you fly or drive, your children need to be focused on their hobbies; this means letting each child pack their own backpack (and reminding them that they’re responsible for carrying it), while also bringing the necessities. Coloring books, game consoles, and other crafts are quite popular, but you’ll also need to carry a spare change of clothes (just in case), wipes and hand sanitizer, toothbrushes, and extra snacks; after all, there’s nothing worse than a hungry child!

Family is family, whether you’ve adopted your children (one-third of all adoptions occur in single-family homes) or created an entire baseball team of your own flesh and blood. The important thing is that you spend time together, no matter what. As long as nobody gets the flu or throws a fit, your family getaway will be great. By organizing a vacation that caters to the younglings of the family, everyone is guaranteed to have a good time.