On Wednesday, April 24th RedHeaded Patti will be hosting the Chewigems Canada #Neetochew Twitter Party.

Hit the button below to let us know you’ll be there, and you could be in the running for some of the fabulous prizes being given away during the party.

What Is A Twitter Party?

A Twitter party is a live online chat which brings together people with similar ideas or interests. The party is arranged for a fixed time and day so that everyone knows when to participate.

How Does A Twitter Party Work?

One or two people, the hosts, arrange the time and day and then share the details with anyone who may want to attend. Twitter parties are public and you do not needt to be directly invited.

The hosts also choose a hashtag which should be used in every tweet. Thist way, everyone can follow what is being said, by following the hashtag.

The hosts may have a set of prepared questions which they tweet one at a time to get the conversation going. Guests can tweet directly to the hosts and to other guests.

Why Do People Go To Twitter Parties?

Twitter parties are a good way to speak with other people who have the same experiences, ideas, and interests as you.

How Do I Join A Twitter Party?

This is the best kind of party because:

  • You can stay home and still be social
  • You do not have to dress up, brush your hair, or anything else to make yourself “presentable” to the outside world.
  • There’s no eye contact required
  • You can take your time to type out your words, and think about them before pressing Tweet.
  • There’s no pressure to respond if you don’t want to.

Some parties ask you to RSVP before hand, especially if there are prizes on offer. To participate in the party you should follow the host(s) and use the Twitter search function to see tweets with the party hashtag.

Jump in at anytime, answer a question, share an experience or opinion, say hi, or just hang out on the fringes and read what others have to say.