A lot of people want to find something to do as a family. Parents look for fun and educational opportunities for their children, trying to create memories and spark interest going forward. They’re especially interested in finding an outdoor activity. That’s why gardening is such a great family activity. It’s a way to bring the family together and truly have a great time.

Here are five benefits your family will enjoy as you garden together.

Learn About the Planting Process

Getting outdoors with your family gives everyone, in particular the children, a chance to learn about the natural world. When you’re planting a garden, be it for food and/or beauty, children will better understand the planting process. They’ll learn everything from how plants survive in soil to what types of fertilizers are the most effective. There are over 30,000 types of weeds and 10,000 different insects that eat plants. You’ll need to know them to have a properly maintained garden.

Obtain Moderate Exercise

One of the best things about going out and gardening is that it gets your family off the couch. There’s nothing wrong with being together inside watching a movie or playing a board game, but it is very sedentary. Going out and being active while gardening offers a moderate amount of exercise for everyone in the family.

Soak Up the Sun

People may not love the way a farmer’s tan looks, but getting out into the sun is a great way to spend your time. Getting out in the sun is known to reduce your stress, improve your sleep, and even help you to fight off depression. Clearly, getting out in the sun with your family is a great idea. Still, your skin can be delicate. After all, more than 40% of teenagers have acne or signs of past acne on their face, so you and your kids need to wear sunscreen so you can enjoy the outdoors and the beautiful sun to the fullest.

Enjoy a Family Project Together

Working together as a family is one of the best ways to build a bond and create memories that will last a lifetime. You’re coming together with a common goal to either make your yard more beautiful with a flower garden or to make practical use of the space and start producing your own food. Not only will you all learn something about plant life and wildlife while also staying active, but you will have a genuinely fun time coming together as a family. It’s a great experience that can’t be missed.

Put Your Money to Good Use (And Back Into Your Own Land!)

People have a tendency to waste their money. They spend it on things that come and go or maybe don’t turn out the way that you’d expect. Even at the grocery store, it’s easy to overpay for things that you never get around to using. This isn’t the case with an outdoor garden, though. The money you put into a garden is actually an investment in your property. So, when you obtain a sum of money, like one of the 119,853,012 individual refunds given out in 2017 alone, do your family and property a favor by putting that money back into your own land.

It makes your yard more beautiful and brings your family together for something to do. This means that the value of your property will go up with the addition of a beautiful garden to enjoy. In short, a garden is a great way to spend your money.

Starting an outdoor garden with your family is a great way to bring everyone together, get outdoors, and invest in your property and your children’s knowledge. In other words, there is something for everyone here.