For the most part, security isn’t something many of us pay a lot of attention to on a moment by moment basis. It’s something that we tend to take for granted. We do the basics, of course, but it’s not something on which we are overly focused.

That’s a good thing, of course; being preoccupied or focusing too much on security is the sign of a worried, even scared mind. Walking the line between being under-prepared and too prepared ‘s hard, but it is possible.

To do just that, here are four security concerns separated out into seasons. This ensures you’re focusing your mind on the right areas at the right time of year, and you can be confident that you have everything in hand at all times.

SPRING: Personal Security

Spring is a time when you’ll be spending more of your day outdoors, soaking up the sunshine after the depths of winter. This is an excellent opportunity to check your personal security habits. Do you carry a bag that would be easy to grab? Do you wear a whistle in case you need to attract attention in an emergency?

Think through your outdoor activities and how you could make them safer. For example, you could change your commute to a more crowded (and thus safer) route. Get this right now, and then you can launch into summer activities with a confident spring in your step. Pun absolutely intended.

SUMMER: Home Security

It’s somewhat surprising to learn that burglaries increase by around 10 percent over the summer months. You would think that with the longer days, there would be less chance for burglars to be skulking around and hiding under cover of darkness. However, summer also tends to bring a rise in the amount of time you spend away from your house; going on vacation, to parties, etcetera.

As a result of all the time, you will spend away from home; summer is an excellent opportunity to take care of your home security; either by checking over your existing system or even upgrading it with the help of the advice on Also ensure your garden is secure, potentially planting a few burglar-deterring plants to assist in this.

AUTUMN: Child Security

The traditional “back to school” period is the perfect time to talk to your child about their own safety. While ‘stranger danger’ isn’t a failsafe when it comes to abductions, it’s nevertheless a decent enough idea to install into your children. It’s also a good time to check they know what to do in a variety of situations, such as if they get lost, lose their phone, or someone approaches them — would they know how to react?

Child safety is likely something you will reference at multiple points throughout the year, but a primer before a return to school is always a good plan.

WINTER: Car Security

While burglaries increase in summer, car theft and crime tend to increase in winter. The longer, darker nights and people leaving newly-bought Christmas gifts in the back of the car make for a rich time for opportunistic thieves. Run through your vehicle security and get the alarm checked and verified. Furthermore, if you’re regularly on the road for long periods, then you may find tips from to be beneficial to you.

As the above shows, security doesn’t have to be a relentless and worrisome quest. Focus in the right areas during the right months of the year, and you, your family, your home, and your belongings will be just fine.